Wikiup: 707-544-8469 // Montecito: 707-539-8469
Ages of admission are 24 months through pre-k. We attempt to be flexible in our enrollment policies to suit the individual needs of our families. Full– time and part-time registrations are accepted subject to availability of space and accommodations. Part-time is 4 hours a day or less, and full-time is anything over 4 hours.
· There is a $100.00 non-refundable enrollment fee per child upon registration.
Other Fees
1. RETURNED CHECKS: A charge of $20.00 will be assessed for any returned checks plus an additional late fee of $5.00 per day until payment is made in full.
2. COURT FEES: Should it become necessary to go to court over non-payment of fees owed, court & attorney fees will be added to your bill.
Half day (4 hours or less)—$53.00 per day
Full day (5 hours or more) $63.00 per day
5 full days a week—$315.00 per week
All payments are made on a bi-weekly basis. Parents will receive an invoice every other Monday. There will be a late charge of $5.00 per day for delinquent tuition payments.
All Tiny Treasures payments are to be make through our billing system called “Tuition Express”. The forms are included with your new parent packet.
· New Years Eve & Day
· Martin Luther King
· President’s Day
· Veteran’s Day
· Memorial Day
· Independence Day
· Labor Day
· Thanksgiving Day & following day
· Christmas Eve & Day
· Two staff development days
· We will be closed on the above holidays and all children will still be billed. These are paid holidays for the staff. If any of these holidays falls on a weekend the holiday will be observed on a Friday before and or Monday after.
1) NUTRITION: Since food and nutrition are important components of a child’s development, Tiny Treasures emphasizes fresh and natural foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables whole grain breads, etc.
2) LUNCHES: All children are required to bring their own lunch. If your child does not bring a lunch you will be charged $5.00 for Tiny Treasures to provide them lunch, and if it happens more than 3 times your contract may be reviewed for termination. Children’s lunches should contain “finger-foods”, please remember...if you pack it in their lunch we will assume it is okay for them to eat it. We will try to have them eat their “healthy” food first but if you put a lot of sweets in they will eat it. They are kids!! THANK YOU.
3) SNACK TIME: A mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack will be provided by Tiny Treasures.
4) SPECIAL DIETS: If a child has a particular dietary need, substantiate by a medical evaluation, the owner of Tiny Treasures must be so informed and given a doctor’s note. Substitute snacks may be brought from home.
5) BIRTHDAYS: Parents are welcome to prepare special birthday treats for your child’s class. Birthday cakes and cupcakes are acceptable, however we would prefer cookies or other non-messy treats.
When a child is having a difficult time following directions or treating others or equipment with respect, developmentally appropriate guidance techniques are used. These techniques are as follows:
-A- Positive Reinforcement: The child will be encouraged when he/she is demonstrating acceptable behavior.
-B- Redirection: The child is redirected to another activity and given an opportunity to try again at another time.
-C- “When...Then” Statements: A statement in which the child is encouraged to accomplish something before going on to something else. Sample: “When you finish picking up the blocks, then you can go outside.”
-D- “If… Then” Statements: A statement is which the child is encouraged to make a positive choice. Sample: “If you pick up the blocks, then you can go to the Dress up play area.”
-E- Take A Break: The child is separated from the group for a child-regulated period of time. This technique is used only when a child is exhibiting temper tantrum type behavior or hurting self, others, or equipment. When the child shows that he/she is ready to demonstrate acceptable behavior, the child is encouraged to join the rest of the group and try again.
-A- HAND WASHING: Hands will be washed before and after meals, before and after bathroom use, after nose blowing or wiping, after handling an ill child, and after playing outside.
-B- DIAPER CHANGING: Hands will be washed before and after changing of diapers. The changing mat is sterilized after each use. Soiled diapers will be disposed of in a closed container outside the building.
-C- TOYS & EQUIPMENT: Toys & equipment will be sterilized daily or as needed, by the teachers.
-D- BEDDING & SOILED CLOTHING: Your child’s nap items need to be taken home every Friday and laundered. Then be brought back by naptime on Monday. All soiled clothing will be put into a plastic bag for the parent to launder.
-E- FIRE DRILLS: Practice drills will be conducted a minimum of once monthly and recorded on a record sheet provided by the state fire Marshall. Evacuation procedures will be posted on the wall next to exits.
-F- ACCIDENTS & INJURIES: First Aid will be administered to a child needing care. Each accident will be recorded on a accident report form. Parents will be given a copy of this report and the center will maintain a copy. Serious accidents will be reported to the Department of Social Services.
-G- FIRST AID TRAINING: We require all of our staff to maintain a current CPR & First Aid Certificate.
-H- RELEASE OF CHILDREN: Children will absolutely NOT be released to anyone except those authorized to pick up the child on the enrollment form. Identification is required of those authorized who are unfamiliar to staff. In the event you wish another adult to pick up your child, it would require that you give written permission in advance or a phone call personally to verify.
-I- REPORTING CHILD ABUSE: California State Law and Licensing requirements states that child care facilities are required to report immediately to the police or Child Protective Services any reason to suspect child abuse, neglect, or exploitation. We are not obligated to inform parents/guardians of this report.
Tiny Treasures Preschool, Inc.